Join the Army
George Washington, while commander of the army during the Revolutionary War, was approached by a young man. “General Washington, I believe in you and your cause. I fully support you.” The general thanked him for his support and asked him, “Under which officer do you serve?” “Oh,” said the young man, “I’m not in the army. I’m a civilian.” The general replied, “If you believe in me …if you believe in this cause, and if you support me—then join the army. Put on a uniform and get into the fight.”It’s true that children’s ministry is challenging, but it’s even more than that. It is spiritual warfare. The stakes are high: the discipleship of children. Satan himself will do all he can to thwart this cause. Be encouraged that you are not a civilian. You’re in the fight. So put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. (Eph. 6:11) You will be equipped with all you need to do, all that God has called you to do.
Dr. Roger Theimer
Children's Pastor-King of Kings Church