Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Do you ever feel like you make excuses for not having a "WOW" Sunday for the kids?  Sometimes when we feel overly worked or stressed we go into the "excuse mode".  This is a great article of the five traps you don't want to get caught in as a Children's Pastor. 

As I stood there in front of a couple hundred elementary age kids, my mind was racing. I was in the middle of telling the story for large group time, but realized just as I started that several of the props required for the story weren’t on stage. These were pretty big – and necessary! – props, and I really had no idea where they were at.
But I did know why they weren’t there. I had gotten comfortable. We had a system for Sunday morning, and we had gotten so used to the system that we had gotten comfortable. As a result, we had started doing quick run-through’s instead of the step by step checks we were supposed to be doing.
And we [ I ] missed making sure all the necessary props were on stage and in place.
I learned a valuable lesson that day: not to get caught in the trap of being comfortable, the first of Five Traps That Can Catch The KidMin Leader.
1. The Comfort Trap. Systems, processes and standard operating procedures are important. Done correctly, they leave plenty of room for creativity, flexibility and even spontaneity. But they also open the door for getting a little too complacent. Essentially, we say “We do this so much we don’t need to prepare as much.” That’s when we get caught.
Is there something you’ve gotten too comfortable with in your ministry?
2. The Small Church Thinking Trap. We’re just a small church & know everyone…we don’t need to worry too much about security. If I had a few bucks for every time I’ve heard this as I’ve spoken & consulted with churches around the country, I’d be able to take a very nice vacation. Don’t buy it! This is foolish thinking, on this issue or any other! Just ask anyone from Penn State University.
What areas of your ministry do you need to shore up?
3. The Hoarding Trap. No one can do it as well as I do. When it comes to the individual tasks of ministry, you’re probably right. But when it comes to the collective job of ministry to children, you couldn’t be more wrong. When we think this, we tend to keep most things to do them ourselves, and that really is selfish and short-sighted. It limits the potential of you and your ministry. It disengages and diminishes the work of others. It’s small-minded.
What tasks do you need to equip others to do so that you can remain primarily focused on doing those things that only you can do?
4. The Blame It On The Big Guys Trap. Senior leadership doesn’t have a real vision for children’s ministry, so we really can’t pursue a great vision. I will agree that it’s not uncommon for senior leadership to lack a real understanding – and hence, a real vision – for children’s ministry. I can even agree that this often limits what can be accomplished in children’s ministry. But I can’t agree that you can’t have a great vision just because it’s not front & center with senior leadership of your church. You may have greater challenges, less resources, and need to take smaller steps in pursuing a great vision – but lets not succumb to feeling sorry for ourselves just because we don’t have the big guys going to bat for us every Sunday.
What attitudes might you need to adjust in order to pursue a great vision, regardless of the support you receive from senior leadership?
5. The It’s Easier To Make Excuses Than Be Creative Trap. We don’t have: [a big budget] [great facilities] [a lot of people] [insert your challenge here] like the church down the road – so we can’t really do a lot of great ministry like they do. A second cousin to #4 is this mindset. But it’s totally wrong. Can I tell you I just spent time in Africa a couple of months ago. Talk about a lack of resources! And yet I saw some incredible ministry happening. Why? Because great ministry doesn’t happen because you have a big budget, great facilities, a lot of people, or any of these types of resources. Great ministry happens as a result of a great vision. It happens because people are equipped and leaders are developed. It happens because there’s a culture of relationships. It happens because the Gospel is primary. Great ministry happens because your love God and you love people, and you act on it, plain and simple.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dedicated to the teachers of God's Word...

We as teachers, ministry leaders, volunteers, work so hard to get the message across to our kiddos.  We spend hours upon hours on preparing our lessons hoping we will  present it in a way that they will understand.  Once they leave, we wonder...did they get it?  Take heart...you are planting the seed in their little hearts.  They may not show it at the moment.  They may not show it next Sunday.  But one day, they will say something or do something that will make you smile and say...they did get it!

This poem/article was written for all of you that work so hard and maybe never know what will come of some of the kids you cross paths with.  Remember, God chose you to tell His story...

God said, "I need a gardener,
Someone to sow my Word.
I need someone to plant the seed,
Till ev'ryone has heard."
Because you've said, "I'll sow the seed,"
Our God has made them grow.
Now we've become a garden here;
Each day God's love we show.
God prepared and He tilled each heart,
But you have sown the seeds.
You've taught God's truth and lived your lives
By all your words and deeds.
You've sown good seeds--replaced the weeds;
Ev'ry heart's now abloom.
The fragrance of our garden here
Is like a sweet perfume.
Look around you now. You will see
Beauty from seeds you've sown.
Look around you now. You will see
God's garden here He's grown.
Eternally we'll be grateful;
Your lives we do applaud,
For our hearts are now a garden
Since you said, "Yes to God."

(Copyrighted by Linda. J. Stevenson)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Now that the kiddos are out of school for the summer, what activities do you have planned?  Summer camps, vbs, family vacations...Summer seems to fly by so quickly so enjoy it all while you can. 

Blessings to you all
Ms. Pam

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