Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dedicated to the teachers of God's Word...

We as teachers, ministry leaders, volunteers, work so hard to get the message across to our kiddos.  We spend hours upon hours on preparing our lessons hoping we will  present it in a way that they will understand.  Once they leave, we wonder...did they get it?  Take are planting the seed in their little hearts.  They may not show it at the moment.  They may not show it next Sunday.  But one day, they will say something or do something that will make you smile and say...they did get it!

This poem/article was written for all of you that work so hard and maybe never know what will come of some of the kids you cross paths with.  Remember, God chose you to tell His story...

God said, "I need a gardener,
Someone to sow my Word.
I need someone to plant the seed,
Till ev'ryone has heard."
Because you've said, "I'll sow the seed,"
Our God has made them grow.
Now we've become a garden here;
Each day God's love we show.
God prepared and He tilled each heart,
But you have sown the seeds.
You've taught God's truth and lived your lives
By all your words and deeds.
You've sown good seeds--replaced the weeds;
Ev'ry heart's now abloom.
The fragrance of our garden here
Is like a sweet perfume.
Look around you now. You will see
Beauty from seeds you've sown.
Look around you now. You will see
God's garden here He's grown.
Eternally we'll be grateful;
Your lives we do applaud,
For our hearts are now a garden
Since you said, "Yes to God."

(Copyrighted by Linda. J. Stevenson)

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