Thank you to the Killeen volunteers and parents for a wonderful barbecue on Sunday afternoon. If you weren't able to make it, you missed a fun afternoon of football, good food, and great fellowship. I (Brooke) am so excited about the months ahead and all of the opportunities that we have to grow as a children's ministry community.

Temple Campus - Oct 31
Killeen Campus - Nov 1
More information is coming soon but make sure you keep your calendars open! Also, for anyone who is looking to volunteer, get in touch with Pam ( or Ricky ( or I ( ASAP before all of the good booths are taken!
2nd piece of news - Killeen crew, we are back at the Civic Center again on Sunday. Thank you to Pam and the children's department in Temple for letting us invade your space for 2 weeks! The October schedule for Killeen is posted on the calendar. If you see any scheduling issues, please let us know now, rather than later, so that we can switch things around. Also, would like to ask that the Killeen volunteers for this Sunday please be at the Civic Center BY 8:30 AM. Grab a cup of coffee and a donut and head back to the Superkids room for a quick volunteer meeting/prayer/devotional to get us recharged before the kids start pouring in. (There MIGHT be some yummy treats involved)
And finally, just to catch everyone up on what the kids are up to this week - yep, you guessed it, Fruits of the Spirit. On Sunday we talked about peace with the story of Noah and the Ark from Genesis 7:1-24. If I was building an ark and everyone I knew was laughing at me, I can promise you that there isn't any place I could find peace other than by looking to the Lord!
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts." - Colossians 3:15
This Sunday we learn about patience with a story about Abraham and his wife Sarai who wanted nothing more than a baby. Our story will come from Genesis 12:1-6 & Genesis 21:1-7. This is a lesson that a lot of us need to learn - most definitely myself included!
Don't forget, Superkids Club meets tonight at the Temple Campus at 6:30 pm. And next Wednesday, the "store" is open where your kids can cash in their Superbucks that they have earned over the past few weeks by remembering their Bibles, folders, memory verses, bringing a friend, and by correctly answering questions. There will be some great prizes at the store so don't miss it! Look forward to seeing you there!
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