Speaking of October, for our amazing volunteers from the Temple Campus, please check out the schedule for October. It has been updated with a few minor changes. If there are any scheduling conflicts, let us know ASAP.

Just to keep you all updated in what we are learning, last week was an exciting lesson on "patience" from our friend Abraham. (Yep, patience is another Fruit of the Spirit) Our lesson came from Genesis 12:1-6 & Genesis 21:1-7 and we all decided that Abraham and his wife, who had to wait until they were 101 years old for God to give them the baby He had promised, are more patient than we will ever be!
"Be patient with everyone." - 1 Thessalonians 5:14
(ask your kids what this week's verse is... I bet they remember this one)
Next week's lesson is on kindness. It comes from Ruth 2 and it is the story of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz and the kindness that Boaz showed to them when they were poor and needed food.
Questions for your kids to think about:
1. How do you feel when someone shows you kindness?
2. Even though you are "just kids" and don't have a lot of money or material goods to give away, do you still think that you can show kindness?
3. In what ways?
Never let your kids think that they can't change the world simply because of their age: Mary was only a teenager when she gave birth to Jesus and David was even younger when he fought Goliath. God can use anyone!
My favorite "theologian" (not sure she would have called herself that though), Mother Teresa once said "We can do no great things, only small things with great love." I love this quote because sometimes we lose sight of what's right in front of us because we are so busy looking at the big picture and all of the lives we can't reach because we don't have the money or we are too busy to take on a huge missions project. It's so easy to forget that God isn't always looking for us to take on the world, but sometimes to simply love and show kindness to those right in front of us (including that irritating neighbor whose dog barks at all hours of the night or the guy who cuts us off in traffic).
- Brooke
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